We offer tutored workshops for groups of 6 or more adults and we have something for all ages. Get creative with Pick ‘n Paint a Pot.
We are pleased to offer structured workshops for groups of 6 or more adults. Workshops cover either pottery painting or working with clay (clay workshops require two sessions at least a week apart, one to make items and a second to paint them).
Hosted at your home or a venue of your choice, the pottery painting session usually lasts 2 hours. We offer a choice of large plates, rimmed and pasta bowls, latte cup, litre jug, photo frames and wine cooler / utensil jar. We bring the pottery, paints and brushes to you, painted pottery is taken away for firing and is usually delivered back to you 2 weeks after the event. Cost £22 per head, minimum 6 people.
For further information or to make a booking for your event please either email info@picknpaintapot.co.uk or use the contact form on this website by clicking here.
We look forward to hearing from you.